Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- DEMO: Typescript hello world in wasmCloud
- DISCUSSION: Roadmap check-in
- DISCUSSION: Formalize control interface RFC

Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- Happy New Year! Plans and activities for the next few weeks.
- Updates from the wider Wasm community.

Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- Quick check-in and a Happy Holidays from the wasmCloud team

Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- DEMO: The out-of-the-box WASI API experience in Rust and TinyGo

Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- DEMO: Inspecting component wit with
wash inspect
- DISCUSSION: wasmCloud 1.0 Roadmap

Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- DEMO: What does it look like to "bring your own component" to wasmCloud?
- DISCUSSION: wasmCloud Q3/Q4 roadmap retrospective
- DISCUSSION: wasmCloud control interface stabilization RFC

Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- DEMO: Custom wash build commands,
and --sign-only
- DISCUSSION: wasmCloud 1.0 milestone
- DISCUSSION: wasmtime 15

Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- DEMO: wash CLI human updates, removing the need for 56 character IDs for most commands
- DISCUSSION: Wasmtime 15

Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- New control interface topics/features

Brooks Townsend
wasmCloud MaintainerAgenda
- UPDATE: Reporting live from KubeCon CloudNativeCon NA, Chicago!